Taxpayer-funded lobbying

Taxpayer-funded lobbying is the practice of using funds that come directly or indirectly from taxpayers for political lobbying purposes. Taxpayer-funded lobbying is one government lobbying another. Essentially taxpayer-funded lobbying is when tax dollars are used to pay lobbyists to go to state or federal legislatures to ask for more tax dollars. "In other words, it's one arm of government trying to influence another arm of government, usually in a publicly funded quest for more money or power."

Taxpayer-funded lobbying

Taxpayer-funded lobbying is the practice of using funds that come directly or indirectly from taxpayers for political lobbying purposes. Taxpayer-funded lobbying is one government lobbying another. Essentially taxpayer-funded lobbying is when tax dollars are used to pay lobbyists to go to state or federal legislatures to ask for more tax dollars. "In other words, it's one arm of government trying to influence another arm of government, usually in a publicly funded quest for more money or power."