Team neusta

Team Neusta GmbH is a private holding of Carsten Meyer-Heder. It is a computer software company headquartered in Bremen, Northern Germany. Team Neusta is one of the top-selling Internet companies in Germany. The holding owns 25 companies with several based in Germany, Toulouse, France and Lachen, Switzerland. Team Neusta employs around 1,100 people and around 500 free-lancers. In 2018 the holding had a transaction volume of ca 170 Mio. Euro. The CEO is Heinz Kierchhoff.

Team neusta

Team Neusta GmbH is a private holding of Carsten Meyer-Heder. It is a computer software company headquartered in Bremen, Northern Germany. Team Neusta is one of the top-selling Internet companies in Germany. The holding owns 25 companies with several based in Germany, Toulouse, France and Lachen, Switzerland. Team Neusta employs around 1,100 people and around 500 free-lancers. In 2018 the holding had a transaction volume of ca 170 Mio. Euro. The CEO is Heinz Kierchhoff.