Technical management

In general, technical management is the systematic efforts used in the deployment of a system or process and in balancing its cost, effectiveness and supportability during its life cycle. Technical managers can be found at the interface of application and technique; they act between the user and the technical means. Examples of technical management are: ICT management, real estate management, financial management, quality management. Often the managed field is a resource of the organisation. Technical managers combine technical and management knowledge for the benefit of the user.

Technical management

In general, technical management is the systematic efforts used in the deployment of a system or process and in balancing its cost, effectiveness and supportability during its life cycle. Technical managers can be found at the interface of application and technique; they act between the user and the technical means. Examples of technical management are: ICT management, real estate management, financial management, quality management. Often the managed field is a resource of the organisation. Technical managers combine technical and management knowledge for the benefit of the user.