Tecumseh (lake freighter)

MV Tecumseh is a bulk carrier owned and operated by Canadian shipping firm Lower Lakes Towing. It was built in 1973 as Sugar Islander in Seattle, Washington for the Bankers Trust Company, which sold the but later was purchased and operated by other companies. In 1995, the ship was renamed Islander, followed by Judy Litrico in 1996. In 2008, the name changed again to Trina Litrico before being sold to Lower Lakes Towing in 2011. The ship operates on the Great Lakes primarily transporting grain. In 2019, Tecumseh suffered an engine fire that left the ship out of control on the Detroit River.

Tecumseh (lake freighter)

MV Tecumseh is a bulk carrier owned and operated by Canadian shipping firm Lower Lakes Towing. It was built in 1973 as Sugar Islander in Seattle, Washington for the Bankers Trust Company, which sold the but later was purchased and operated by other companies. In 1995, the ship was renamed Islander, followed by Judy Litrico in 1996. In 2008, the name changed again to Trina Litrico before being sold to Lower Lakes Towing in 2011. The ship operates on the Great Lakes primarily transporting grain. In 2019, Tecumseh suffered an engine fire that left the ship out of control on the Detroit River.