Teixeira Duarte

Teixeira Duarte, S.A. is the company that leads a large conglomerate with more than 11,000 workers, present in 22 countries, in 6 activity sectors, achieving in 2019 a turnover of 877 million Euros. Teixeira Duarte, S.A. is listed at Euronext Lisbon since 1998, Being its shareholder majority of the Teixeira Duarte family. The Group's headquarters are located at , in Oeiras.

Teixeira Duarte

Teixeira Duarte, S.A. is the company that leads a large conglomerate with more than 11,000 workers, present in 22 countries, in 6 activity sectors, achieving in 2019 a turnover of 877 million Euros. Teixeira Duarte, S.A. is listed at Euronext Lisbon since 1998, Being its shareholder majority of the Teixeira Duarte family. The Group's headquarters are located at , in Oeiras.