Telephone numbers in Åland

Country Code: +358 18 (partial)International Call Prefix: 00Trunk Prefix: 0 Telephone numbers in Åland use ranges owned by Finland. Format: +358 18 XXXXX(X) and +358 457 XXX XXXX for regional GSM/3G operator . Longer local numbers than five digits are possible (usually with Telia Finland). Dominant operator on the island is the regional company .

Telephone numbers in Åland

Country Code: +358 18 (partial)International Call Prefix: 00Trunk Prefix: 0 Telephone numbers in Åland use ranges owned by Finland. Format: +358 18 XXXXX(X) and +358 457 XXX XXXX for regional GSM/3G operator . Longer local numbers than five digits are possible (usually with Telia Finland). Dominant operator on the island is the regional company .