Telephone numbers in Belarus

Belarus began using its own country code +375 in 1995, replacing the +7 international country code inherited from the Soviet Union. The local numbering plan was inherited from the Soviet Union and remains with few changes. Geographic area codes were designed based on previous 3-digit USSR area codes by removing the lead 0. Calling across areas still requires dialing trunk prefix 8 and waiting for dialtone after that. This pause was initially required by the analog trunk switches to identify the caller from PSTN for billing purposes. Transition to new numbering plan

Telephone numbers in Belarus

Belarus began using its own country code +375 in 1995, replacing the +7 international country code inherited from the Soviet Union. The local numbering plan was inherited from the Soviet Union and remains with few changes. Geographic area codes were designed based on previous 3-digit USSR area codes by removing the lead 0. Calling across areas still requires dialing trunk prefix 8 and waiting for dialtone after that. This pause was initially required by the analog trunk switches to identify the caller from PSTN for billing purposes. Transition to new numbering plan