Telephone numbers in Cyprus

Telephone numbers in Cyprus follow a closed telephone numbering plan which was adopted on 1 December 2001. As a result, for landline phone numbers the digit 2 followed by the old area code was affixed to the subscriber number and for mobile phones 9 was affixed to the phone number. The plan is also used in Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Previously, landline numbers consisted of the trunk code 0, the area code, and a six-digit number. Under the new system, these changed to numbers with eight digits, to be dialled from within Cyprus or abroad.

Telephone numbers in Cyprus

Telephone numbers in Cyprus follow a closed telephone numbering plan which was adopted on 1 December 2001. As a result, for landline phone numbers the digit 2 followed by the old area code was affixed to the subscriber number and for mobile phones 9 was affixed to the phone number. The plan is also used in Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Previously, landline numbers consisted of the trunk code 0, the area code, and a six-digit number. Under the new system, these changed to numbers with eight digits, to be dialled from within Cyprus or abroad.