Telephone numbers in North Macedonia

North Macedonia's telephone numbering plan is the system used for assigning telephone numbers in North Macedonia. It is regulated by the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK), which holds responsibility for telecommunications. The country calling code of North Macedonia is +389. Area codes should always be dialed, even within the country, because of the many fixed and mobile operators. An example for calling telephones in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia is as follows: * 02 xxxxxxx (within Skopje) * 02 xxxxxxx (within North Macedonia) * +389 2 xxxxxxx (outside North Macedonia)

Telephone numbers in North Macedonia

North Macedonia's telephone numbering plan is the system used for assigning telephone numbers in North Macedonia. It is regulated by the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK), which holds responsibility for telecommunications. The country calling code of North Macedonia is +389. Area codes should always be dialed, even within the country, because of the many fixed and mobile operators. An example for calling telephones in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia is as follows: * 02 xxxxxxx (within Skopje) * 02 xxxxxxx (within North Macedonia) * +389 2 xxxxxxx (outside North Macedonia)