Tempus clausum

The closed time (Latin: Tempus clausum), in the ancient Roman Catholic law : forbidden time (lat. Tempus feriatum) as well, denominates the penitential periods in the liturgical year, Lent and Advent. During this closed time the believers shall prepare in their personal lifestyle through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial for the solemnity days. During these days dancing and festival celebrations had been banned. This comprised also larger wedding celebrations, while silent marriages, not celebrated in the public, are allowed.

Tempus clausum

The closed time (Latin: Tempus clausum), in the ancient Roman Catholic law : forbidden time (lat. Tempus feriatum) as well, denominates the penitential periods in the liturgical year, Lent and Advent. During this closed time the believers shall prepare in their personal lifestyle through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial for the solemnity days. During these days dancing and festival celebrations had been banned. This comprised also larger wedding celebrations, while silent marriages, not celebrated in the public, are allowed.