Thamnophis sauritus sauritus

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus, the eastern ribbon snake or common ribbon snake, is one of four subspecies of the ribbon snake found in the southeastern United States. Some similar species are the western ribbon snake, common garter snake, plains garter snake, and Butler's garter snake. The other three subspecies are the northern (T. s. septentrionalis), southern (T. s. sackenii), and bluestripe (T. s. nitae) ribbon snakes.

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus

Thamnophis sauritus sauritus, the eastern ribbon snake or common ribbon snake, is one of four subspecies of the ribbon snake found in the southeastern United States. Some similar species are the western ribbon snake, common garter snake, plains garter snake, and Butler's garter snake. The other three subspecies are the northern (T. s. septentrionalis), southern (T. s. sackenii), and bluestripe (T. s. nitae) ribbon snakes.