The Boss Baby (franchise)

The Boss Baby is a media franchise made by DreamWorks Animation, loosely based on the 2010 picture book of the same name by Marla Frazee. The franchise began with the 2017 film The Boss Baby and has since grown to include a sequel, a television series, and an interactive special. The franchise's inciting incident is the birth of the titular Boss Baby, later known as Ted, who arrives at 7-year-old Tim's home in a taxi, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, the series' timeline spanning to focus on a now 40-year-old Tim's daughters, the 7-year-old Tabitha and new Boss Baby Tina.

The Boss Baby (franchise)

The Boss Baby is a media franchise made by DreamWorks Animation, loosely based on the 2010 picture book of the same name by Marla Frazee. The franchise began with the 2017 film The Boss Baby and has since grown to include a sequel, a television series, and an interactive special. The franchise's inciting incident is the birth of the titular Boss Baby, later known as Ted, who arrives at 7-year-old Tim's home in a taxi, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, the series' timeline spanning to focus on a now 40-year-old Tim's daughters, the 7-year-old Tabitha and new Boss Baby Tina.