The Green-Eyed Monster (2001 film)

The Green-Eyed Monster is a two-part British television crime drama film, written and directed by Jane Prowse, that first broadcast on BBC1 on 9 September 2001. The film, which stars Emma Fielding, Matt Day and Hugo Speer in the title roles, follows the murder of Liam (Day) by his neighbour Ray (Speer), amidst accusations of infidelity and deception from fellow residents of the quiet suburban street where he and his wife Marni (Fielding) are residing.

The Green-Eyed Monster (2001 film)

The Green-Eyed Monster is a two-part British television crime drama film, written and directed by Jane Prowse, that first broadcast on BBC1 on 9 September 2001. The film, which stars Emma Fielding, Matt Day and Hugo Speer in the title roles, follows the murder of Liam (Day) by his neighbour Ray (Speer), amidst accusations of infidelity and deception from fellow residents of the quiet suburban street where he and his wife Marni (Fielding) are residing.