The Hermitage, Friars Carse

The Hermitage was a folly first built by Captain Robert Riddell of Friars Carse (known as Glenriddell at this time and later returned to its ancient name) as part of his enthusiasm for antiquities. It is famous for its connection with the bard Robert Burns who through his friendship with Robert Riddell was permitted to use it to compose poetry in this secluded and tranquil sylvan spot. Burns also used his diamond point pen to engrave lines on the window pane at the Hermitage following the premature death of Robert Riddell. The original Hermitage fell into disrepair and was rebuilt in 1874. It was further restored to its former glory more recently (2009).

The Hermitage, Friars Carse

The Hermitage was a folly first built by Captain Robert Riddell of Friars Carse (known as Glenriddell at this time and later returned to its ancient name) as part of his enthusiasm for antiquities. It is famous for its connection with the bard Robert Burns who through his friendship with Robert Riddell was permitted to use it to compose poetry in this secluded and tranquil sylvan spot. Burns also used his diamond point pen to engrave lines on the window pane at the Hermitage following the premature death of Robert Riddell. The original Hermitage fell into disrepair and was rebuilt in 1874. It was further restored to its former glory more recently (2009).