The Jewish Observer

The Jewish Observer was an American Orthodox Jewish magazine published by the Agudath Israel of America, from 1963 until 2009. It was put on "hiatus" in 2009, with plans to restart once the finances of the magazine, affected by the economic crisis, were figured out. As of 2019, it has not published any new issues since its 2009 hiatus. It was founded by Ernst L. Bodenheimer and Moshe Sherer, and the Editor was Nisson Wolpin.

The Jewish Observer

The Jewish Observer was an American Orthodox Jewish magazine published by the Agudath Israel of America, from 1963 until 2009. It was put on "hiatus" in 2009, with plans to restart once the finances of the magazine, affected by the economic crisis, were figured out. As of 2019, it has not published any new issues since its 2009 hiatus. It was founded by Ernst L. Bodenheimer and Moshe Sherer, and the Editor was Nisson Wolpin.