The Jim Henson Hour

The Jim Henson Hour is a television series that aired on NBC in 1989. It was developed as a showcase for Jim Henson Productions' various puppet creations, including the Muppet characters. Nine of the twelve episodes produced aired on NBC before the program was canceled. Two episodes later aired on Nickelodeon in 1992 and 1993, and the final episode never aired in the US, but did air in the UK in 1990. After The Jim Henson Hour, the Muppets would not have another prime-time TV show until Muppets Tonight in 1996, six years after Jim Henson's death.

The Jim Henson Hour

The Jim Henson Hour is a television series that aired on NBC in 1989. It was developed as a showcase for Jim Henson Productions' various puppet creations, including the Muppet characters. Nine of the twelve episodes produced aired on NBC before the program was canceled. Two episodes later aired on Nickelodeon in 1992 and 1993, and the final episode never aired in the US, but did air in the UK in 1990. After The Jim Henson Hour, the Muppets would not have another prime-time TV show until Muppets Tonight in 1996, six years after Jim Henson's death.