The Kenyon Observer

The Kenyon Observer, founded in 1989 by David Horner and Alex Novak, began as a conservative, undergraduate political journal at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. After the journal briefly ceased publication after the fall of 2009, it was re-established in the fall of 2011 by Jonathan Green '14 and Gabriel Rom '14. The current iteration of the Observer features contributions from Kenyon students of all political ideologies, keeping with the Observer's tradition of publishing high-quality student writing without any ideological label or bent.

The Kenyon Observer

The Kenyon Observer, founded in 1989 by David Horner and Alex Novak, began as a conservative, undergraduate political journal at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. After the journal briefly ceased publication after the fall of 2009, it was re-established in the fall of 2011 by Jonathan Green '14 and Gabriel Rom '14. The current iteration of the Observer features contributions from Kenyon students of all political ideologies, keeping with the Observer's tradition of publishing high-quality student writing without any ideological label or bent.