
The Kettering Incident is an Australian television drama program, first broadcast on Foxtel's Showcase channel on 4 July 2016. The series was created by Victoria Madden and Vincent Sheehan, and was written by Victoria Madden, Louise Fox, Cate Shortland and Andrew Knight. A sneak preview of the series launched at the 2015 Dark MoFo festival, with two episodes shown to select audiences at nine locations around Tasmania.


The Kettering Incident is an Australian television drama program, first broadcast on Foxtel's Showcase channel on 4 July 2016. The series was created by Victoria Madden and Vincent Sheehan, and was written by Victoria Madden, Louise Fox, Cate Shortland and Andrew Knight. A sneak preview of the series launched at the 2015 Dark MoFo festival, with two episodes shown to select audiences at nine locations around Tasmania.