The Legend of Beggar King and Big Foot Queen (TV series)

The Legend of Beggar King and Big Foot Queen (Simplified Chinese: 乞丐皇帝与大脚皇后传奇 literally the same as The Beggar Emperor and the Bigfoot Queen) is a 2016 Mainland Chinese period comedy television drama starring Benny Chan and Ning Jing. Set in the 14th imperial century China, the drama is based on the life of Hongwu Emperor (played by Benny Chan) and Chen Youliang (played by Li Chen). The story revolves around the founding emperor Ming - Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife Ma Xiuying (played by Ning Jing). Ma is the queen famous for her "big feet" because it was not bound like other women where foot binding was the beauty standard for women.

The Legend of Beggar King and Big Foot Queen (TV series)

The Legend of Beggar King and Big Foot Queen (Simplified Chinese: 乞丐皇帝与大脚皇后传奇 literally the same as The Beggar Emperor and the Bigfoot Queen) is a 2016 Mainland Chinese period comedy television drama starring Benny Chan and Ning Jing. Set in the 14th imperial century China, the drama is based on the life of Hongwu Emperor (played by Benny Chan) and Chen Youliang (played by Li Chen). The story revolves around the founding emperor Ming - Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife Ma Xiuying (played by Ning Jing). Ma is the queen famous for her "big feet" because it was not bound like other women where foot binding was the beauty standard for women.