The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret

The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret is the second novel by Indian author and was released on 9 October 2014 by Westland Publishers. The story follows Vijay and his friends as they embark on a quest to learn about Alexander the Great's secret mission in India while encountering bioterrorism. Following his first novel, The Mahabharata Secret, Doyle was signed for a three book series by Westland. The author researched further on the Mahabharata and was also intrigued by Alexander's invasion of India and his sudden retreat. Doyle combined secrets from the epic and created the story, stating that he consulted Sanskrit scholars and science experts regarding the theories he put in the book. The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret was a commercial success and received positive critica

The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret

The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret is the second novel by Indian author and was released on 9 October 2014 by Westland Publishers. The story follows Vijay and his friends as they embark on a quest to learn about Alexander the Great's secret mission in India while encountering bioterrorism. Following his first novel, The Mahabharata Secret, Doyle was signed for a three book series by Westland. The author researched further on the Mahabharata and was also intrigued by Alexander's invasion of India and his sudden retreat. Doyle combined secrets from the epic and created the story, stating that he consulted Sanskrit scholars and science experts regarding the theories he put in the book. The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret was a commercial success and received positive critica