The Noose (TV series)

The Noose is a Singapore comedy television series produced by Mediacorp Channel 5, the country’s English language channel. Although the name of the show plays on the word The News, the literal gallows humor of the program's name is unlikely to be missed by viewers in a country which executes people by hanging, and the use of “neck-cuffs”. The show satirises socio-cultural and political issues in Singapore as well as newsworthy local and regional incidents involving Singapore. The third season began airing on June 1, 2010. The fourth season began airing on March 8, 2011. The fifth season began airing on December 27, 2011 and features topics such as the Mayan Calendar and doomsday and other relevant current issues. A sixth season began airing on April 2, 2013, aligned with the renumbering of

The Noose (TV series)

The Noose is a Singapore comedy television series produced by Mediacorp Channel 5, the country’s English language channel. Although the name of the show plays on the word The News, the literal gallows humor of the program's name is unlikely to be missed by viewers in a country which executes people by hanging, and the use of “neck-cuffs”. The show satirises socio-cultural and political issues in Singapore as well as newsworthy local and regional incidents involving Singapore. The third season began airing on June 1, 2010. The fourth season began airing on March 8, 2011. The fifth season began airing on December 27, 2011 and features topics such as the Mayan Calendar and doomsday and other relevant current issues. A sixth season began airing on April 2, 2013, aligned with the renumbering of