The Report of the Investigation Commission of Althing

Antecedents and Causes of the Collapse of the Icelandic Banks in 2008 and Related Events (Icelandic: Aðdragandi og orsakir falls íslensku bankanna 2008 og tengdir atburðir), better known as The Report of the Investigation Commission of Althing (Icelandic: Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis, or just Rannsóknarskýrsla Alþingis), and earlier referred to as a 'White Book' (Hvíta bók), is a report covering the background and the crash of the Icelandic banking system in 2008.

The Report of the Investigation Commission of Althing

Antecedents and Causes of the Collapse of the Icelandic Banks in 2008 and Related Events (Icelandic: Aðdragandi og orsakir falls íslensku bankanna 2008 og tengdir atburðir), better known as The Report of the Investigation Commission of Althing (Icelandic: Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis, or just Rannsóknarskýrsla Alþingis), and earlier referred to as a 'White Book' (Hvíta bók), is a report covering the background and the crash of the Icelandic banking system in 2008.