The Return of the Vampire

The Return of the Vampire is a 1943 American horror film directed by Lew Landers and released by Columbia Pictures. The film stars Bela Lugosi as a vampire named Armand Tesla, who has two encounters with Englishwoman Lady Jane Ainsley, played by Frieda Inescort. The first encounter takes place during World War I, and the second during World War II. Alongside Lugosi and Inescort, the film's cast includes Nina Foch, Miles Mander, Roland Varno, and Matt Willis.

The Return of the Vampire

The Return of the Vampire is a 1943 American horror film directed by Lew Landers and released by Columbia Pictures. The film stars Bela Lugosi as a vampire named Armand Tesla, who has two encounters with Englishwoman Lady Jane Ainsley, played by Frieda Inescort. The first encounter takes place during World War I, and the second during World War II. Alongside Lugosi and Inescort, the film's cast includes Nina Foch, Miles Mander, Roland Varno, and Matt Willis.