The Russian Ship of the Line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anchor in the Roads of Elsinore

The Russian Ship of the line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anchor in the roads of Elsinore is a painting by the Danish painter, C. W. Eckersberg. It was painted in 1828. The work is not an accurate rendition of the scene but a construction, using more than one event as the basis for the painting. For instance, Eckersberg moved the scene from Copenhagen where he had inspected such ships to Elsinore as is evident in the picture as Kronborg is seen in the background.

The Russian Ship of the Line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anchor in the Roads of Elsinore

The Russian Ship of the line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anchor in the roads of Elsinore is a painting by the Danish painter, C. W. Eckersberg. It was painted in 1828. The work is not an accurate rendition of the scene but a construction, using more than one event as the basis for the painting. For instance, Eckersberg moved the scene from Copenhagen where he had inspected such ships to Elsinore as is evident in the picture as Kronborg is seen in the background.