The Seven Pillars of Life

The Seven Pillars of Life are the essential principles of life described by Daniel E. Koshland in 2002 in order to create a universal definition of life. One stated goal of this universal definition is to aid in understanding and identifying artificial and extraterrestrial life. The seven pillars are Program, Improvisation, Compartmentalization, Energy, Regeneration, Adaptability, and Seclusion. These can be abbreviated as PICERAS.

The Seven Pillars of Life

The Seven Pillars of Life are the essential principles of life described by Daniel E. Koshland in 2002 in order to create a universal definition of life. One stated goal of this universal definition is to aid in understanding and identifying artificial and extraterrestrial life. The seven pillars are Program, Improvisation, Compartmentalization, Energy, Regeneration, Adaptability, and Seclusion. These can be abbreviated as PICERAS.