The Skydivers

The Skydivers is a 1963 crime film produced by Anthony Cardoza, and written and directed by Coleman Francis. It stars actress Kevin Casey, Eric Tomlin, Cardoza and Marcia Knight, with a performance by influential Nashville guitarist Jimmy Bryant. After falling into obscurity for three decades, the film found second life in 1994, serving the basis for a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode (during which TV's Frank describes it as like "Manos without the lucid plot"). It is generally considered to be the most watchable of Francis' films, albeit still of subpar quality.

The Skydivers

The Skydivers is a 1963 crime film produced by Anthony Cardoza, and written and directed by Coleman Francis. It stars actress Kevin Casey, Eric Tomlin, Cardoza and Marcia Knight, with a performance by influential Nashville guitarist Jimmy Bryant. After falling into obscurity for three decades, the film found second life in 1994, serving the basis for a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode (during which TV's Frank describes it as like "Manos without the lucid plot"). It is generally considered to be the most watchable of Francis' films, albeit still of subpar quality.