The Space Under the Window

The Space Under the Window is a 1997 interactive fiction game by Andrew Plotkin. The game is part of a piece, also entitled "The Space Under the Window", by (of Looney Labs) – each piece had to have this title, but was otherwise unconstrained. The Space Under the Window was a finalist in the 1997 XYZZY Awards for Best Use of Medium and Best Writing. It has inspired parodies such as The Chicken Under The Window by Lucian P. Smith, at ChickenComp 1998.

The Space Under the Window

The Space Under the Window is a 1997 interactive fiction game by Andrew Plotkin. The game is part of a piece, also entitled "The Space Under the Window", by (of Looney Labs) – each piece had to have this title, but was otherwise unconstrained. The Space Under the Window was a finalist in the 1997 XYZZY Awards for Best Use of Medium and Best Writing. It has inspired parodies such as The Chicken Under The Window by Lucian P. Smith, at ChickenComp 1998.