Theresa, Countess of Portugal

Theresa (Portuguese: Teresa; Galician-Portuguese: Tareja or Tareixa; Latin: Tarasia) (1080 – 11 November 1130) was Countess of Portugal, and for a time claimant to be its independent Queen. She rebelled against vasalic ties with her half-sister Queen Urraca of León and Castile. She was recognised as Queen by Pope Paschal II in 1116, but was captured and forced to accept Portugal's vassalage to León in 1121, being allowed to keep her royal title. Her political alliance and amorous liaison with Galician nobleman Fernando Pérez de Traba led to her being ousted by her son, Afonso Henriques, who with the support of the Portuguese nobility and clergy, defeated her at the Battle of São Mamede in 1128.

Theresa, Countess of Portugal

Theresa (Portuguese: Teresa; Galician-Portuguese: Tareja or Tareixa; Latin: Tarasia) (1080 – 11 November 1130) was Countess of Portugal, and for a time claimant to be its independent Queen. She rebelled against vasalic ties with her half-sister Queen Urraca of León and Castile. She was recognised as Queen by Pope Paschal II in 1116, but was captured and forced to accept Portugal's vassalage to León in 1121, being allowed to keep her royal title. Her political alliance and amorous liaison with Galician nobleman Fernando Pérez de Traba led to her being ousted by her son, Afonso Henriques, who with the support of the Portuguese nobility and clergy, defeated her at the Battle of São Mamede in 1128.