Time Vindicated to Himself and to His Honours

Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours was a late Jacobean era masque, written by Ben Jonson and with costumes, sets, and stage effects designed by Inigo Jones. James's son and heir Prince Charles led the dances of the principal masquers, as he had in several previous masques at the Stuart Court. Originally scheduled for Twelfth Night in 1623, its performance was delayed by an illness of the King, James I; the masque was staged on Sunday 19 January, in the Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace. (Coincidentally, Jonson's play The Alchemist had been staged at Court on 1 January.)

Time Vindicated to Himself and to His Honours

Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours was a late Jacobean era masque, written by Ben Jonson and with costumes, sets, and stage effects designed by Inigo Jones. James's son and heir Prince Charles led the dances of the principal masquers, as he had in several previous masques at the Stuart Court. Originally scheduled for Twelfth Night in 1623, its performance was delayed by an illness of the King, James I; the masque was staged on Sunday 19 January, in the Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace. (Coincidentally, Jonson's play The Alchemist had been staged at Court on 1 January.)