Toom's rule

Toom's rule is a 2-dimensional cellular automaton model created by Andrei Toom in 1978 (see for an English translation). This model is both more robust and simpler than the 2-dimensional majority vote rule (see for more details). Toom's rule is a cellular automaton that acts on a 2-dimensional square lattice. At each site in this lattice is a spin with the value +1 or -1. At time the bits are initialized to some value. At each discrete time step the lattice evolves according to Toom's rule. This rule is applied at each site simultaneously.

Toom's rule

Toom's rule is a 2-dimensional cellular automaton model created by Andrei Toom in 1978 (see for an English translation). This model is both more robust and simpler than the 2-dimensional majority vote rule (see for more details). Toom's rule is a cellular automaton that acts on a 2-dimensional square lattice. At each site in this lattice is a spin with the value +1 or -1. At time the bits are initialized to some value. At each discrete time step the lattice evolves according to Toom's rule. This rule is applied at each site simultaneously.