Topoke people

The Topoke people (sometimes incorrectly called Eso people) are an ethnic group that live in the Isangi Territory south of the Congo River, downstream from Kisangani in Tshopo District of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.They speak the Poke language (also called Puki, Tofoke, Topoke or Tovoke), in the Soko–Kele languages group of Bantu languages.

Topoke people

The Topoke people (sometimes incorrectly called Eso people) are an ethnic group that live in the Isangi Territory south of the Congo River, downstream from Kisangani in Tshopo District of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.They speak the Poke language (also called Puki, Tofoke, Topoke or Tovoke), in the Soko–Kele languages group of Bantu languages.