Toshiba EMU (Roca Line)

The Toshiba EMU is an electric multiple unit train model used in the Roca Line in the Southern Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, Argentina. The trains operate in sets of two semi-permanently coupled units, formed by: four motor cabin cars (two used for conduction, and two unused in the middle of the train) named as M (for motor), two trailer cars (named as R, remolque) and a "trailer prime" (named as R'), an extra car which is not factory original to this trains, but had to be added after-hands to attend the increase in demand of the Roca Line. Overall, the Toshiba sets have seven cars, but circulation is interrupted in the middle of the set by the conduction cabins, in an M-R-M/M-R-R'-M consist.

Toshiba EMU (Roca Line)

The Toshiba EMU is an electric multiple unit train model used in the Roca Line in the Southern Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, Argentina. The trains operate in sets of two semi-permanently coupled units, formed by: four motor cabin cars (two used for conduction, and two unused in the middle of the train) named as M (for motor), two trailer cars (named as R, remolque) and a "trailer prime" (named as R'), an extra car which is not factory original to this trains, but had to be added after-hands to attend the increase in demand of the Roca Line. Overall, the Toshiba sets have seven cars, but circulation is interrupted in the middle of the set by the conduction cabins, in an M-R-M/M-R-R'-M consist.