Trademark stuffing

Trademark stuffing is a form of keyword stuffing, an unethical search engine optimization method used by webmasters and Internet marketers in order to manipulate search engine ranking results served by websites such as Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft Bing. A key characteristic of trademark stuffing is the intent of the infringer to confuse search engines and Internet users into thinking a website or web page is owned or otherwise authorized by the trademark owner. Trademark stuffing does not include using trademarks on third party website pages with the boundaries of Fair Use. When used effectively, trademark stuffing enables infringing websites to capture search engine traffic that may have otherwise been received by an authorized website or trademark owner.

Trademark stuffing

Trademark stuffing is a form of keyword stuffing, an unethical search engine optimization method used by webmasters and Internet marketers in order to manipulate search engine ranking results served by websites such as Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft Bing. A key characteristic of trademark stuffing is the intent of the infringer to confuse search engines and Internet users into thinking a website or web page is owned or otherwise authorized by the trademark owner. Trademark stuffing does not include using trademarks on third party website pages with the boundaries of Fair Use. When used effectively, trademark stuffing enables infringing websites to capture search engine traffic that may have otherwise been received by an authorized website or trademark owner.