Trams in Klagenfurt

The Klagenfurt Tram network operated in various forms between 1891 and 1963, which was when diesel buses took over, reflecting lower operating costs at a time of relatively low prices for oil based fuels. In 2005, in response to exceptional levels of particulates pollution in Klagenfurt the city authorities proposed a resumption of tram services. A feasibility study was commissioned, but concluded that the cost of the necessary investment would be prohibitive.

Trams in Klagenfurt

The Klagenfurt Tram network operated in various forms between 1891 and 1963, which was when diesel buses took over, reflecting lower operating costs at a time of relatively low prices for oil based fuels. In 2005, in response to exceptional levels of particulates pollution in Klagenfurt the city authorities proposed a resumption of tram services. A feasibility study was commissioned, but concluded that the cost of the necessary investment would be prohibitive.