
Transia (also Republic of Transia) is a fictional European country appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is one of several fictional countries in Eastern Europe created for Marvel Comics. Within the Marvel Universe, Transia (and/or Mt. Wundagore) is where Chthon is imprisoned, and where the men of the Russoff line were afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. It is used as the birthplace of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. It is the base of operations for the High Evolutionary, and the source of the "radioactive clay" used by the Puppet Master.


Transia (also Republic of Transia) is a fictional European country appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is one of several fictional countries in Eastern Europe created for Marvel Comics. Within the Marvel Universe, Transia (and/or Mt. Wundagore) is where Chthon is imprisoned, and where the men of the Russoff line were afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. It is used as the birthplace of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. It is the base of operations for the High Evolutionary, and the source of the "radioactive clay" used by the Puppet Master.