Treaty of Constantinople (1724)

The Treaty of Constantinople (Russian: Константинопольский договор,) Russo-Ottoman Treaty or Treaty of the Partition of Persia (Iran Mukasemenamesi) was a treaty concluded on 24 June 1724 between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire, dividing large portions of the territory of mutually neighbouring Safavid Iran between them. The treaty furthermore specified that if Safavid Iran, at that time led by the regime of king Tahmasp II, would refuse to accept the treaty both Imperial Russia and the Porte would take common action against Iran and install a puppet ruler.

Treaty of Constantinople (1724)

The Treaty of Constantinople (Russian: Константинопольский договор,) Russo-Ottoman Treaty or Treaty of the Partition of Persia (Iran Mukasemenamesi) was a treaty concluded on 24 June 1724 between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire, dividing large portions of the territory of mutually neighbouring Safavid Iran between them. The treaty furthermore specified that if Safavid Iran, at that time led by the regime of king Tahmasp II, would refuse to accept the treaty both Imperial Russia and the Porte would take common action against Iran and install a puppet ruler.