Trebula Mutusca

Trebula (Greek: Τρήβουλα; also spelled Trebula Mutusca or simply Mutusca or Mutuscae) was an ancient city of the Sabines in what is now central Italy, one of two bearing the name Trebula – Pliny being the only author who mentions both places: Trebulani qui cognominantur Mutuscaei, et qui Suffenates. Its site is clearly fixed at Monteleone Sabino, a village about 3 km on the right of the Via Salaria, between and Poggio San Lorenzo. There are considerable ruins here including those of a theatre, of thermae or baths, and portions of the ancient pavement. Several inscriptions have also been found here, some of which bear the name of its people, Plebs Trebulana, Trebulani Mutuscani, and Trebulani Mut., so that no doubt can remain of their attribution.

Trebula Mutusca

Trebula (Greek: Τρήβουλα; also spelled Trebula Mutusca or simply Mutusca or Mutuscae) was an ancient city of the Sabines in what is now central Italy, one of two bearing the name Trebula – Pliny being the only author who mentions both places: Trebulani qui cognominantur Mutuscaei, et qui Suffenates. Its site is clearly fixed at Monteleone Sabino, a village about 3 km on the right of the Via Salaria, between and Poggio San Lorenzo. There are considerable ruins here including those of a theatre, of thermae or baths, and portions of the ancient pavement. Several inscriptions have also been found here, some of which bear the name of its people, Plebs Trebulana, Trebulani Mutuscani, and Trebulani Mut., so that no doubt can remain of their attribution.