Tribunal de Contas da União

The Tribunal de Contas da União (Federal Court of Accounts, often referred to as TCU) is the Brazilian federal accountability office. It is tasked with assisting Congress in its Constitutional incumbency to exercise external audit over the Executive Branch. Its members, called ministers, are appointed by the National Congress and the President of Brazil. The TCU employs a highly qualified body of civil servants to prevent, investigate and sanction corruption and malpractice of public funds, with national jurisdiction.

Tribunal de Contas da União

The Tribunal de Contas da União (Federal Court of Accounts, often referred to as TCU) is the Brazilian federal accountability office. It is tasked with assisting Congress in its Constitutional incumbency to exercise external audit over the Executive Branch. Its members, called ministers, are appointed by the National Congress and the President of Brazil. The TCU employs a highly qualified body of civil servants to prevent, investigate and sanction corruption and malpractice of public funds, with national jurisdiction.