Two Minor Ethical-Religious Essays

Two Minor Ethical-Religious Essays (original Danish title: Tvende ethisk-religieuse Smaa-Afhandlinger) is a work by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, under the pseudonym H.H., written in 1847 and published on May 19, 1849. Kierkegaard wrote a book entitled but chose to publish these two essays as a separate piece while leaving the rest unpublished. The unpublished work would eventually become The Book on Adler. The work is in dual authorship with his signed work Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, also completed in 1847.

Two Minor Ethical-Religious Essays

Two Minor Ethical-Religious Essays (original Danish title: Tvende ethisk-religieuse Smaa-Afhandlinger) is a work by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, under the pseudonym H.H., written in 1847 and published on May 19, 1849. Kierkegaard wrote a book entitled but chose to publish these two essays as a separate piece while leaving the rest unpublished. The unpublished work would eventually become The Book on Adler. The work is in dual authorship with his signed work Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, also completed in 1847.