Tygodnik Cieszyński

Tygodnik Cieszyński ("Cieszyn Weekly") was a weekly Polish magazine published in Cieszyn (Teschen) in 1848–1851. It was the first local magazine in Cieszyn Silesia, and the oldest Polish magazine in Cieszyn Silesia. The first issue appeared on 6 May 1848. The publisher was , first editor was , who was in August replaced by . The first article of the first issue of Tygodnik Cieszyński began with words: The black cloud, which through the centuries overshadowed the light sky, cracked. The sun of freedom sparkled and horrible darkness disappears. — Tygodnik Cieszyński, 6 May 1848,

Tygodnik Cieszyński

Tygodnik Cieszyński ("Cieszyn Weekly") was a weekly Polish magazine published in Cieszyn (Teschen) in 1848–1851. It was the first local magazine in Cieszyn Silesia, and the oldest Polish magazine in Cieszyn Silesia. The first issue appeared on 6 May 1848. The publisher was , first editor was , who was in August replaced by . The first article of the first issue of Tygodnik Cieszyński began with words: The black cloud, which through the centuries overshadowed the light sky, cracked. The sun of freedom sparkled and horrible darkness disappears. — Tygodnik Cieszyński, 6 May 1848,