Ubuntu Kylin

Ubuntu Kylin (Chinese: 优麒麟; pinyin: Yōu Qílín) is the official Chinese version of the Ubuntu computer operating system. It is intended for desktop and laptop computers, and has been described as a "loose continuation of the Chinese Kylin OS". In 2013, Canonical Ltd. reached an agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China to co-create and release an Ubuntu-based operating system with features targeted at the Chinese market.

Ubuntu Kylin

Ubuntu Kylin (Chinese: 优麒麟; pinyin: Yōu Qílín) is the official Chinese version of the Ubuntu computer operating system. It is intended for desktop and laptop computers, and has been described as a "loose continuation of the Chinese Kylin OS". In 2013, Canonical Ltd. reached an agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China to co-create and release an Ubuntu-based operating system with features targeted at the Chinese market.