Umar Javeed, Sukarma Thapar, Aaqib Javeed vs. Google LLC & Ors.

Umar Javeed, Sukarma Thapar, Aaqib Javeed vs. Google LLC and Ors. It was a 2019 court case in which Google LLC and Google India Private Limited were accused of abuse of dominance in the Android operating system in India. The Competition Commission of India found that Google abused its dominant position by requiring device manufacturers wishing to pre-install apps to adhere to a compatibility standard Google Android. Case No. 39 of 2018 - unclassified version.

Umar Javeed, Sukarma Thapar, Aaqib Javeed vs. Google LLC & Ors.

Umar Javeed, Sukarma Thapar, Aaqib Javeed vs. Google LLC and Ors. It was a 2019 court case in which Google LLC and Google India Private Limited were accused of abuse of dominance in the Android operating system in India. The Competition Commission of India found that Google abused its dominant position by requiring device manufacturers wishing to pre-install apps to adhere to a compatibility standard Google Android. Case No. 39 of 2018 - unclassified version.