United (2003 film)

United is a Norwegian movie that was released in 2003. The main characters are: Kåre , Anna (Berte Rommetveit), Iversen (Sondre Sørheim), and Stian . Henrik Mestad and Harald Eia play smaller roles. Football commentator Arne Scheie debuts on the big screen in this romantic comedy. The film received dice throws of 3 in Dagsavisen, and 4 in Stavanger Aftenblad, Dagbladet, VG, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, and Nordlys.

United (2003 film)

United is a Norwegian movie that was released in 2003. The main characters are: Kåre , Anna (Berte Rommetveit), Iversen (Sondre Sørheim), and Stian . Henrik Mestad and Harald Eia play smaller roles. Football commentator Arne Scheie debuts on the big screen in this romantic comedy. The film received dice throws of 3 in Dagsavisen, and 4 in Stavanger Aftenblad, Dagbladet, VG, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, and Nordlys.