United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 was unanimously passed by the United Nations Security Council on 23 December 2006. The resolution, sponsored by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, imposed sanctions against Iran for failing to stop its uranium enrichment program following resolution 1696. It banned the supply of nuclear-related technology and materials and froze the assets of key individuals and companies related to the enrichment program. It took place two months after the creation of a draft-resolution, which was amended several times after objections from Russia and China. These objections were evident, as it took a last minute call from Russian President Vladimir Putin to U.S. President George W. Bush to finalise the vote. The resolution came after Iran rejected econ

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 was unanimously passed by the United Nations Security Council on 23 December 2006. The resolution, sponsored by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, imposed sanctions against Iran for failing to stop its uranium enrichment program following resolution 1696. It banned the supply of nuclear-related technology and materials and froze the assets of key individuals and companies related to the enrichment program. It took place two months after the creation of a draft-resolution, which was amended several times after objections from Russia and China. These objections were evident, as it took a last minute call from Russian President Vladimir Putin to U.S. President George W. Bush to finalise the vote. The resolution came after Iran rejected econ