United Netherlands (organization)

United Netherlands (UNL) is an educational student-led organization that focuses on the theory and practice of international relations and diplomacy. It is based at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. UNL organizes various student activities related to personal development, including its Public Speaking Program, High School Program. Furthermore, it offers the accredited United Nationds and Multilateral Diplomacy: Theory and Practice (UNMD) course, and its corresponding Delegation to Oxford University and Harvard University.

United Netherlands (organization)

United Netherlands (UNL) is an educational student-led organization that focuses on the theory and practice of international relations and diplomacy. It is based at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. UNL organizes various student activities related to personal development, including its Public Speaking Program, High School Program. Furthermore, it offers the accredited United Nationds and Multilateral Diplomacy: Theory and Practice (UNMD) course, and its corresponding Delegation to Oxford University and Harvard University.