United States Marine Corps Aviation

United States Marine Corps Aviation is the aircraft arm of the United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps aviation units have a very different mission and operation than their ground counterparts and thus have their own history, traditions, terms, and procedures. Aviation units within the Marine Corps are assigned to support the Marine Air-Ground Task Force, as the aviation combat element, by providing six functions: assault support, antiair warfare, close air support, electronic warfare, control of aircraft and missiles, and aerial reconnaissance. The Corps operates both rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft mainly to provide transport and close air support to its ground forces. Other aircraft types are also used in a variety of support and special-purpose roles. All Marine Corps aviation fal

United States Marine Corps Aviation

United States Marine Corps Aviation is the aircraft arm of the United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps aviation units have a very different mission and operation than their ground counterparts and thus have their own history, traditions, terms, and procedures. Aviation units within the Marine Corps are assigned to support the Marine Air-Ground Task Force, as the aviation combat element, by providing six functions: assault support, antiair warfare, close air support, electronic warfare, control of aircraft and missiles, and aerial reconnaissance. The Corps operates both rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft mainly to provide transport and close air support to its ground forces. Other aircraft types are also used in a variety of support and special-purpose roles. All Marine Corps aviation fal