Unity Party (Turkey)

The Unity Party (Türkiye Birlik Partisi, TBP, until 1973 Birlik Partisi - BP) was a former Alevi Turkish political party that existed from 1966 until its closure in 1981 after the military coup of 1980. It had its roots among the Alevi population in Turkey. was elected party president in 1966, and was succeeded in 1969 by Mustafa Timisi. Some of the main party leaders were members of an influent Alevi family of the Ulusoy.

Unity Party (Turkey)

The Unity Party (Türkiye Birlik Partisi, TBP, until 1973 Birlik Partisi - BP) was a former Alevi Turkish political party that existed from 1966 until its closure in 1981 after the military coup of 1980. It had its roots among the Alevi population in Turkey. was elected party president in 1966, and was succeeded in 1969 by Mustafa Timisi. Some of the main party leaders were members of an influent Alevi family of the Ulusoy.