Usage share of operating systems

The usage share of operating systems is the percentage of computing devices that run each operating system (OS) at any particular time. All such figures are necessarily estimates because data about operating system share is difficult to obtain; there are few reliable primary sources – and no agreed methodologies for its collection. In the personal computing platform area of smartphones and watches, Google's Android dominates with over 2.5 billion users. Other mobile phone operating systems include Apple's iOS, SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch, LineageOS, KaiOS and Series 30+.

Usage share of operating systems

The usage share of operating systems is the percentage of computing devices that run each operating system (OS) at any particular time. All such figures are necessarily estimates because data about operating system share is difficult to obtain; there are few reliable primary sources – and no agreed methodologies for its collection. In the personal computing platform area of smartphones and watches, Google's Android dominates with over 2.5 billion users. Other mobile phone operating systems include Apple's iOS, SailfishOS, Ubuntu Touch, LineageOS, KaiOS and Series 30+.