V. C. vs. Slovakia

V.C. vs Slovakia was the first case in which the European Court for Human Rights ruled in favor of a Romani woman who was a victim of forced sterilization in the state hospital in Slovakia. It is one of many cases of forced sterilization of Roma women brought to the Court by the Slovak feminist group Center for Civil and Human Rights from Košice. The Slovak Government was ordered to pay V.C. compensation of 31,000 EUR and reimbursement of her legal costs.

V. C. vs. Slovakia

V.C. vs Slovakia was the first case in which the European Court for Human Rights ruled in favor of a Romani woman who was a victim of forced sterilization in the state hospital in Slovakia. It is one of many cases of forced sterilization of Roma women brought to the Court by the Slovak feminist group Center for Civil and Human Rights from Košice. The Slovak Government was ordered to pay V.C. compensation of 31,000 EUR and reimbursement of her legal costs.