Valentinus Sudjito

Dr. Raden Valentinus Sudjito Dwijoatmojo (13 October 1905 – 10 June 1958) was a politician from the Catholic Party. He chaired the legislature of Central Java—serving as the leader of the region—from 1949 until 1950. He was also the member of the Senate, the Provisional People's Representative Council, and the Constitutional Assembly.

Valentinus Sudjito

Dr. Raden Valentinus Sudjito Dwijoatmojo (13 October 1905 – 10 June 1958) was a politician from the Catholic Party. He chaired the legislature of Central Java—serving as the leader of the region—from 1949 until 1950. He was also the member of the Senate, the Provisional People's Representative Council, and the Constitutional Assembly.